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If you wish to cancel your Order, you may cancel via the Platform. Cancellation is only available for Orders that are not packed. You may reach out to our Customer Service Team via chat here and our Customer Service Team will advise you accordingly. No cancellation fees shall be applicable. Once an Order has been packed it may not be cancelled and the item must instead be returned to the company according to our Return Policy here, or as otherwise advised by the Customer Service Team. Any payment made will be refunded. Please refer to our Cancellation Policy here for more information.


(a) All items must be received by Parismonday in order for a customer to be eligible for a refund or replacement. You shall ensure that the Product is sent to us in the same condition as it was when received by you and is packaged properly. In the event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we reserve the right not to accept returns and send the Product back to you. Appropriate measures, including legal action, may be taken in the event we discover a misuse of Parismonday Exchange or Refund/Return Policy.


(b) We do not honour any walk-in returns.

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